Finally done! Here's my first stained glass lampshade. I designed it after a trip to New Orleans. I've had the base for years. I think I acquired it from my good friend and old band mate Ann. I'm so glad to have finished. Feels real good to accomplish this!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Stained glass lampshade - All Done!
Finally done! Here's my first stained glass lampshade. I designed it after a trip to New Orleans. I've had the base for years. I think I acquired it from my good friend and old band mate Ann. I'm so glad to have finished. Feels real good to accomplish this!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Reusable Giftwrap for Christmas

Here are some of my handcrafted reusable giftwraps for Christmas! Here are two with Rudolph prints! Cute for the kids!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Luz Ramos - a Real Pro!
I worked with Luz Ramos yesterday. She is a Connecticut actress and this is the third time we've worked together in the past year. She's getting the work because she's got the talent and skills to keep the clients happy. Yesterday we accomplished a two day shoot in one day! That's right, because of her professionalism and perfect reads I got paid to be home today! Thanks Luz!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Niko our Malamute
Gerry and I had quite a scare yesterday when our dog Niko started behaving quite strangely. She’s an old girl – a 13 year old Malamute – way past her age expectancy. She has some old age issues, but she’s quite lively and having a good time in life wrestling with her adopted brother Dioji and still going on 2 mile hikes. A couple of nights ago she vomited during the night; mostly bile but besides that she seemed relatively fine. We thought maybe she’s just not feeling well. The next day, she ate some breakfast and had her morning cookie, but didn’t seem to really enjoy it. She seemed a bit mopey and we figured we’d let her relax and let her “sickness” run its course.
Well, yesterday she woke up and vomited again this time a lot! Still bile. I tried to get her outside and she was totally dizzy like a drunk! She couldn’t stand never mind walk. She fell and I thought "this is it". I figured her body was just failing and that she was dying. We called the vet and they offered us a 2:30 appointment. We took it but figured we’d let her rest rather than drag her down to the vet and create a trauma to her on her dying day. We were considering just calling the vet to have him come and euthanize her at home.
Then I noticed her eyes were doing something weird. They were pulsating and flicking up an down. Almost a weird roll. I had Gerry call the vet again to let them know of this symptom – was it a sure bet that her system was failing or should we rush her in?
The doctor relayed that we should bring her in and that “it may not be as bad as we thought”.
Gerry carried her to the car and I sat in the back with her thinking that this might still be our last car ride together.
The doctor took one look at her and diagnosed Vestibular Syndrome. It happens in older dogs and it actually does “run a course” but is not deadly.
The following are signs of vestibular disease:
ataxia (lack of coordination without weakness or involuntary spasms – in otherwords, stumbling and staggering around)
motion sickness
- therefore vomiting
Head tilt
Falling to one side
Trouble with other nerves controlling the head and face
Search Vestibular Syndrome for more information, but if you happen to experience this with a dog you know…. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think either! Niko is in recovery. She does seem a little better. She is taking Dramamine, Zantac and an antibiotic for the ear infection she may have which is causing this. She has a history of them, so we can safely assume this is the remedy. She can walk around although still very dizzy. You have to watch her so that she doesn’t stumble and hurt herself or the furniture – she’s a big dog! We have confidence that she will recover from this. In the meantime, she’s a spoiled girl and she loves the attention!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Stained Glass Bass
Here is my first original design and the third stained glass project I ever worked on. My first piece was a tiny three piece flower that my friend Caryn taught me to do. You can see what Caryn is up to at Caryn B. Davis Photography. She does some amazing work! The second piece I worked on was from a free pattern; a coy fish.